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Andy started working for eShores in 2012, but he got in to travel in 2001 after returning from Australia where he spent 8 months travelling around. He’s also visited the Far East and South Africa, as well as many European destinations… he’s even been to Kazakhstan!

Andy worked for a specialist tour company, before going into business travel but now he is very settled here at eShores and he enjoys a challenge. Here’s a bit more from Andy…


What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

In the winter I like watching football, in the summer I play cricket. I enjoy socialising with my friends and also spending time with my sons.

What are your essential items that you take with you on holiday?

My mobile phone, so I can keep in contact with friends and family.

If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you choose to be with?

Well this would have to be my sons… they’re famous to me!


South Africa








Portugal & Madeira
